Phi Theta Kappa Membership

Please read the following and check the box below if you agree.

I have met all membership eligibility requirements for Phi Theta Kappa and have been extended an invitation for membership in my local chapter. I believe in and support the purpose of the society as stated in the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution, adhere to the moral standards of the Society, and currently enjoy the full rights of citizenship, freedom and privileges of my country (international students attending college on a United States students' visa and who possess full rights of citizenship of their country are eligible for membership). I understand that there is a required GPA for maintaining membership in Phi Theta Kappa and agree to notify my chapter advisor immediately if at any time I fail to maintain my chapter's maintenance GPA. Therefore, I solemnly promise to uphold the standards of Phi Theta Kappa, and to make this object and aim foremost in my mind. I do solemnly pledge allegiance to my fellow members and promise to aid them in all worthy endeavors.

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